The Best 3D Screensavers and Wallpapers

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  1. Q: The price for your 3D screensavers - is it valid for a month or a year?
    • A: This is a one time payment that has no time limit. If you lose your registration data, we will send it to you again free of charge.
  2. Q: Do I have to pay for the updates?
    • A: No, all updates are free of charge.
  3. Q: I have ordered your screensaver, but still have not received any answer.
    • A: You probably have entered an incorrect e-mail address in the order form or your e-mail is temporary not working. Please try to use another e-mail address.
  4. Q: I have received registration data, but the screensaver seems to refuse to accept it.
    • A: Please follow the instructions from the registration e-mail. In order to avoid any mistakes, use copy/paste commands.
  5. Q: I've installed your screensaver, but it does not work or works very slow.
    • A: First, make sure you have the latest version of drivers from the manufacturer of your video card installed. Try to change the resolution settings of the screensaver to 640x480x16, lower the texture quality or turn off other video options.
  6. Q: When launching your screensaver, computer tries to connect to Internet and works very slowly or jerks. I have Windows XP.
    • A: Make sure you have the latest version of video drivers compatible with Windows XP.
  7. Q: When launching your screensaver, my computer displays this error - "A required DLL file D3D8.DLL was not found" (or "The procedure entry DirectDrawCreateEx could not be located in the dynamic link library DDRAW.DLL"). Where can I find this file?
  8. Q: How can I change my screensaver settings?
    • A: Right-click with your mouse on an empty spot on your desktop and select "Properties" from the menu that appears. Then select the "Screensaver" tab in the "Display Properties" dialog. If the screensaver is not chosen, select it from the list and press the "Settings" button. Do not forget to press the "OK" button after changing the settings.
  9. Q: How do I delete the screensaver from my computer?
    • A: There are two ways to delete our screensavers. The first one is by pressing the "Start" button, and after choosing "Programs", find the "3Planesoft" folder. There you will see small "Uninstall" icon. Simply press it. The second way is to press the "Start" button, then choose "Settings", and then "Control Panel". After that, press the "Add or Remove programs" icon, and select the screensaver you want to delete from the list.